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Living in the UK we are prepared to garden in any weather, and as winter approaches we know that cold, wet and wind will be conditions we are out gardening in. Winter in the garden is all about preparing for the year ahead, and is so satisfying – especially when viewed later on from inside the house, warming drink in hand.

Wrapping up to stay warm and dry with waterproof / windproof clothing on is a necessity, if we get nice weather we can always shed layers. Funny then that hands sometimes don’t get the protective layer that the rest of the body does, and yet they are doing all the work. When our hands or feet get cold and wet it usually curtails the activity as we start to feel miserable, so protecting our hands means we can stay outdoors longer tackling that project.

I have been delighted at the reaction lovely hands gets from people who didn’t know fully waterproof gardening gloves existed, I suppose I didn’t either until recently. Taking specific gloves from industry and making them available to gardeners is one of the most satisfying things I have ever done. I am passionate about being hands on yet taking care of hands and nails and these gloves enable me to surprise and delight others.