Good value speedy delivery [email protected]

28th January 2022 – Exciting update, I will have the new Protein Formulas for Nails range mid next week! You can pre order and pay on my website now, follow this link. Click here for new Protein Formula for Nails.

Why is nailtiques out of stock – where can I buy in the UK? Unfortunately you will not be able to buy Nailtiques Formula 2 protein nail care treatment easily in the UK. Why? Nailtiques is manufactured in Florida USA and the plant was destroyed in a hurricane in the spring of 2019. I emailed nailtiques for an explanation and this is from their reply ‘Nailtiques is still recovering after experiencing a total loss’. Stock gradually dried up over the summer with the last delivery into the UK distributor Grafton International at the end of January 2020. Grafton now believe it is very unlikely they will have nailtiques again.

December 2021 – Find out the truth about nailtiques and why it won’t be back.

Register for the new PROTEIN FORMULA product launch for January 2022. [email protected].

My name is Clare, I am a qualified beauty therapist and nail technician, my personal preference is to improve what nature gave you rather than hiding your nails under layers of acrylic or gel product. I have an online business and I work closely with Graftons to ensure my customers, who are registered on my stock update list, have information and alternative products to use. If you would like to register please click here. 

All highlighted text is a link to the product page where you can put products in your basket and check out.

Without nailtiques what can we do?

  • Step 1 use an alternative treatment product – Orly or Jessica.

Working with Graftons and Gerrard International, lovely hands has listed 5 Orly products and 4 Jessica products to offer treatment and care whilst nailtiques is not available. Please find an Orly or Jessica product for each nailtiques protein formula below.

Step 1 – Jessica Restoration – mild / medium strengthener, fine for long term use to maintain results 

Step 2 – Jessica Fusion – medium/ strong strengthener, fine for long term use to maintain results

Step 3 – Jessica Critical Care – very strong strengthener, for a boost, not long term use. It is not advisable to start with this product.


  • Step 2 use nail oil or cream daily.

Lovely hands now stocks Orly Cuticle Therapy Creme, and Badger Cuticle Care Balm as well as a full range of nail oils. Click here for the full range.

The other important product to ensure your nails are at their best is a good quality nail oil. Think of nail oil the same way as using conditioner on your hair or moisturiser on your skin. Whilst the nail is over the nail bed (the pink bit) it is receiving moisture and oils from the skin tissue below, when the nail grows longer, creating the free edge (the white bit) the nail will rely on you to treat it well and keep it protected. Applying nail oil is easy, a very small drop placed on each nail and rubbed in over a bare or varnished nail twice a day will really benefit your nails. The massaging action is beneficial as it stimulates the circulation to the area which brings nutrients. Your nails should be touch dry in 5 mins, if they are not then use less oil next time.

Why does nail oil benefit nails? Nails naturally contain oil, just as the skin does, you are just supplementing this natural oil to replace what is lost every time you wash your hands. Nail oils are made from pressed nuts and seeds and the molecular size is so tiny that they can penetrate the nail surface, even through varnish or gel polish. Oil penetrates the nail and improves condition, flexibility and resilience. Nails do not need to be hard they need to be strong and flexible.

  • Using nail oil intensively.

I have had a few people ask for extra help with their nails and I have recommended taking a break from all treatment products for 2-4 weeks and just applying and massaging in nail oil 4 times a day. By having no barrier product on the nail the oil will absorb more readily, you will see a nice sheen and lustre develop over the days and will notice how silky your nails feel to the touch. Nail oil can be applied behind the free edge to absorb right where it is needed. Your nails will start to look and feel so good you might want to just use oil and not need to use treatment products.

These are my nails, 11 April 2021, I have just used nail oil about 4x per day for 1 year, since the first lockdown. My nails look and feel great. They are strong, flexible and resilient. The only other thing I do is take the HSN supplements and wear gloves for everything as per info I share below.

  • Step 3 use a quality nail file and cuticle pusher.

Keeping the nail edge smooth and a nice even shape and ensuring the cuticle area is clear and nicely shaped is a weekly activity.  Lovely hands has a professional nail file and wooden cuticle pusher for £1.50

If your nails are catching and tearing, creating a split then I recommend using and carrying with you a professional nail file with a fine 240 grit. If your nails are the right length for your lifestyle and have smooth edges then they will not catch. Nails that have this tendency tend to need nail oil and nailtiques Formula 3 or Orly Tough Cookie. This type of nail is dry and brittle and needs moisture and conditioners added regularly. Quite often the nail is reacting to changing hormone levels or medication and it needs TLC.

  • Step 4 support for split nails.

Split nails – if your nails are splitting then all of the above steps apply in trying to improve nail condition and preventing it happening in the future. To help support a torn nail I have used silk and / or micropore tape. I get the silk or micropore cut to size beforehand, I apply 1 coat of nailtiques, Orly, or Jessica whilst it is drying apply the sticky side of the silk or tape and slide into place. Let it dry and paint another coat of nailtiques, Orly or Jessica over the top to seal it. It is pretty much invisible after it has product covering it. If you can get the nailtiques / Orly / Jessica product into the split then do, either by gently lifting the split, or by making it a bit wider with thin cotton or floss. Be very careful and gentle with your nail.

I found washing my hair was the greatest cause preventing a nail split healing, because a strand of hair can easily get caught in a nail split and open it further. I now wash my hair wearing nitrile gloves to prevent strands of hair damaging my healed nail splits. The gloves are 30p a pair.

  • Step 5 improve your nutrition.

Nails, like our skin and hair do show the effects of changes in our health and diet, especially as we get older. Nails benefit from supplementation of silica and biotin, both of these ingredients can be found in natures aid Hair, Skin & Nails formula. This supplement will benefit your nails if they are peeling, flaking, splitting or very dry and brittle and tear easily. Supplements build the nail from the inside making them more resilient, nail strength and flexibility can be significantly improved this way.

  • Step 6 wear gloves for everything.

I wear Maxiflex active gloves for dry housework and any fetching and carrying, again to give my hands and nails protection. I wear Showa Temres 281’s for wet housework to keep water and chemicals away from my nails and skin.

I hope this information has helped, if you would like any assistance feel free to email me and I will get back to you.

28th January 2022 – Exciting update, I will have the new Protein Formulas for Nails range mid next week! You can pre order and pay on my website now, follow this link. Click here for new Protein Formula for Nails.

Kind regards,
