Product Description
WBM Micropore Surgical tape with adhesive makes a good strong support for nails with splits in to aid nail repair.
To help support and fix a longitudinal (from cuticle to tip) split in a finger nail. A latitudinal (across the free edge) split nail should just be cut off and filed, it can’t be saved in my opinion.
Nailtiques protein formula 3Â is going to bind with your nail and become and remain part of its structure. Using non acetone remover means that the protein formula can accumulate and not be fully removed each time. The silk wrap will go over the top to offer physical support to the nail split.
The surgical tape forms a physical support over the nail split, encouraging the new nail coming off the nail bed to the free edge to stay together. In my experience, the current free edge is still split and will continue to split backwards to the nail bed unless physical support is also there. Keep the nail as short as possible until you can see it is joined together growing out, this can take months. It goes without saying that you will need to be very protective of this hand / nail until it heals. You may need to retrain yourself in many ways to avoid repeated damage to the healing nail.
How to apply the surgical tape –
- Starting with a bare nail I apply 1 thin coat of Nailtiques protein formula 3* (*you might require a different Formula) to the nail, trying to cap the tip and get some underneath the free edge if possible as well. This is important as it is the Nailtiques that is going to bind with the nail to treat and improve it.
- Cut a small square of surgical tape, and apply the adhesive side to the nail. Make sure you use small sharp scissors, you can create a curved edge to fit your nails.
- Ensure the surgical tape is in place and and paint Nailtiques protein formula 3* over the top, cap the tip and get some underneath again.
- Continue to apply Nailtiques Formula 3 every other day.
- Surgical tape is more visible than the silk, you can use nail polish over it to hide it if you want to.
Silk v Micropore tape – Silk is thinner and less visible when on the nail. Its slightly more fiddly to handle as its light and delicate. Micropore is thicker, easier to handle and stick, I cover it over with nail polish, after having used Nailtiques.
Please refer to my blogs for more information.
I also recommend wearing gloves for everything you do involving water, to protect nails and skin in general but particularly when trying to repair a split.
Hair washing – I have found that hair can get into a nail split very easily and this will set back the healing process. I would recommend wearing Nitrile gloves for hair washing during the healing process.
Cuticle oil products –  Nail Lux oil  has a brush applicator, there are also dropper bottles in the range; Kaseo oil and Skintruth oil.
For professional nail treatments from Nailtiques please click here.
Hands and feet benefit from good quality moisturisers, Nail Lux hand and foot lotion is part of the lovely hands range of hand creams and lotions.
Hand cream gift set – a selection of products can be chosen and put together in a gift box to create a personalised gift for someone special. £2. Other product ranges to choose from;
Intensive skin care treatments for hands and feet please find the lovely hands range here.
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